Tag Archives: Second Layer

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Sissy Spacek
Sepsis review, translated from Greek

Sissy Spacek are the good shirt that wears John Wiese in order to it meets his love. The what it makes her afterwards it is a other history, but i I will only speak for “Sepsis”: Methodical and studied TRIUMPH. The way with which the sounds and various field recordings are structured, are linked, and presented, they evidently bring “Sepsis” in the endless fields of revived Musique Concrète. To we knew all that Wiese is demonic, but here exceeds.

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Sissy Spacek – Sepsis CD (Second Layer, UK)

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Sissy Spacek – Sepsis CD out now from Second Layer, UK, featuring Mitchell Brown, Joey Karam, Peter Kolovos, Rick Potts, Damion Romero, Corydon Ronnau, Shannon Walter, and John Wiese.

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Evan Parker/John Wiese
Second Layer, UK
April 2009


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