Tag Archives: Obstacle Corpse

Obstacle Corpse on iTunes

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Obstacle Corpse – ?!¶ (Avec Moi) CS/Digital (Tape Room)
Available November 15

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Obstacle Corpse at PHNW, Portland, OR, August 18, 2012

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Obstacle Corpse at The Lab, San Francisco, CA, August 12, 2012

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John Wiese
Prescription Pills
Obstacle Corpse

August 12, 2012
The Lab, San Francisco


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Pure Harsh Noise Worship

Black Air, Blue Sabbath Black Cheer, HHL, R. Jencks, Kakerlak, Macro, Daniel Menche, Obstacle Corpse, Okha, Redneck, The Rita, Rusalka, Scard, Sick Buildings, Taskmaster, The Tenses, Vasculae, John Wiese

Friday, August 17 and Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Ella Street Social Club
714 SW 20th Place
Portland, Oregon

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Camp Blood, July 2010

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Traumatic Stress 7-inch (Helicopter)

A Compilation Featuring:
Phil Blankenship, Corydon Ronnau, John Wiese, Phil Blankenship & Corydon Ronnau, Phil Blankenship & John Wiese, Corydon Ronnau & John Wiese, and Phil Blankenship, Corydon Ronnau & John Wiese.

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