Category Archives: Brain Tangle
John Wiese and Leif Elggren
Fylkingen, Stockholm, Sweden
7 April 2023, 19:30
Ticket link:
John Wiese
Camouflage Body b/w Living Image 7-inch
Difficult Interactions
Drew Daniel/John Wiese
Through Mazes Running LP
Difficult Interactions
Releases February 17, 2023
The second collaborative album by Drew Daniel (Matmos, The Soft Pink Truth) and John Wiese (Sissy Spacek), “Through Mazes Running” builds turbulent complexity from a real time cage match of no-holds-barred signal processing. Cross-multiplying tape manipulation and software, each processing the other into a writhing feedback loop, creating a volatile ouroboros of sound.
Cut at 45 RPM for maximum fidelity.
*Tip-on jackets (also known as old-style jackets) are individually glued and paper-wrapped by hand, making them much slower and more costly to produce. Although they are professionally manufactured, each jacket is unique and some minor handmade qualities are normal with this premium type of jacket.
Various Artists
The Blorp Esette Gazette Volumes Three & Four 2xCD
Gilgongo Records
The history of the Blorp Esette, which chronicles the output of the Los Angeles Free Music Society and other entities in its orbit, dates back to 1977, with the release of Blorp Esette Volume One LP (soon to be reissued by Superior Viaduct) and Volume 2 2LP in 1980. Volumes 3 and 4 emerged in 1999, packaged in a boxset with the previous volumes. The Blorp Esette Gazette first appeared with Volume 1 & 2 in 2013. Intended to be an on-going series, it was paused after the passing of Transparency label owner Michael Sheppard who was co-releasing the CDs w/ LAFMS members. While the original Esette is an obligatory who’s-who of LAFMS (Doo-Dooettes, Smegma, Le Forte Four), the Gazettes have an even more sprawling reach. Compiled by Ace Farren Ford and Ju Suk Reet Meate, Volumes 3&4 features: Michael Uhlenkott, {AN} EeL, Ace & Duce, Control Unit, Sissy Spacek, Kommissar Hjuler und Frau Mama Baer, Million Brazillians, Lee Rockey, Trance Farmers, Keith Mitchell, Split Second, Mr. Foon, Electric Bill Robinson, Testing Vault, Donkey Flybye, James Dewey, Eric Zann, Threed, Purple Panther Ensemble, Lynn Carey, Collide Burger with Chicken Larry and Patrick Lubow, Dr. Amazon, Io, GX Jupitter-Larsen & Ace Farren Ford, Dan and Letha Rodman Melchoir, Harold Schroeder, Erica Rawlings. Art direction by John Wiese & Ace Farren Ford, with collages from Cody Brant featured throughout the release. Each “issue” of the Gazette features a visual artist (Vol. 1 was Ace Farren Ford, Vol. 2 was Rick Potts).
This year the old factory location next to Akerselva, now a great club called BLÅ, will have a few bands. Blå will host Inferno Club Night the night before Inferno Metal Festival 2023. On Wednesday 5th of April we will get gigs from IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT and John Wiese.
Emperor, Amorphis, Watain, Cannibal Corpse, Abbath, Nile, Elder, Arcturus, Godflesh, Dark Funeral, Unleashed, Crowbar, Wolves in the Throne Room,Uada, Odium, Sakis Tolis, Harakiri for the Sky, Urgehal, Vemod, Djevel, Nekromantheon, Mork, Darvaza, Nervosa, Gaerea, Ingested, 1914, Svalbard, Masacre, Vredehammer, Lili Refrain, Dold Vorde Ens Navn, Dwaal, Kate Pendry, Fleshmeadow, Beaten to Death, Dordeduh, Wayfarer, Afsky, Féleth, Blodhemn, Octohawk, Nadir, Filthdigger, Mutilated Tyrant, Stormruler, Omnia Moritur, Ruun, Deathbarrel, Tilintetgjort, Ottone Pesante, Welcome to Hell